

Sep 08, 2023


This marks the day 1 of the 30-day semen retention encouragement posts. This is done in order to help myself and my fellow warriors who are on this path. The truth is that this journey is not an easy one. It is a very challenging and demanding journey that requires us to use the power of our consciousness or if you prefer higher selves.

We live in a world of energy and in this world, everything is energy. Whatever we focus on, we expend energy on as well. This is why we have to be very mindful of where our attention is.

I am your regular guy who started watching porn at 11 years old. I was hooked on porn for over 12 years before I decided that enough was enough. To cut the long story short, my life was a terrible place to be in before I realized that I had to give up porn.

The earlier statement that “whatever we focus on, we expend energy on as well” is very true. We live in a world where sex, nudity is the order of the day. Do you think this is normal? Do you think there’s no intention in that? Let’s think for a moment.

This world is full of resources for everyone and if everyone were at a high vibration, no one would lack and therefore there would be no scarcity and therefore no servants or slaves. This is why destructive content is rapidly placed in front of us. It’s almost as if we cannot escape. While on YouTube, we see almost nude women all the time. What about the movies? the entire social media? Even when you decide to shun social media, you’ll be greeted by nudity or provocative dressing of all sorts everywhere.

How can one survive this? The only way is to think of semen retention not only as the conservation of semen because that’s just the end point. True semen retention means that we should protect our senses from expending energy on stuff that’s not worthwhile. Seeing a provocatively dressed woman on the street and lusting after her is a waste of energy. I know it’s kind of harsh but it’s the truth.

Are we to blame women for this? NO of course not because many of them are unaware of the agenda. The best thing is to guard your senses with the utmost care. How you may ask?

1.     When walking on the streets, try to focus on your path and limit looking around because you’re probably sure to see a lot of provocative dressing from the other sex.

2.      Don’t flirt with your eyes: I know for a fact that when on semen retention, we get this confidence and our eye contact improves it’s okay to test this out for some time but afterwards realize that there’s more to the journey and focus more on yourself.

3.    Train social media to show you harmless content: Social media uses algorithms. If you keep peeking at nude or half nude content it will keep popping up on your screen.

4.     Meditate: Meditation helps us to be able to calm our minds (which is always thinking) and gain insights from our higher selves.

5.      Whenever you catch yourself scrolling mindlessly, ask yourself what better use your time could be of.

It is my hope that we all attain a higher vibration through semen retention and meditation to become better men either as celibates or better lovers. Thanks and God bless.



I'm just a guy who loves to help other guys overcome their addictions and live a better life

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