Day 7: "Being Mindful of What You See"


Sep 14, 2023

Day 7: "Being Mindful of What You See"

Strolling Through Lagos, Nigeria: A Journey Within

Greetings, fellow warriors, on this sacred path of semen retention! Today, as I walked the vibrant streets of Lagos, Nigeria, I felt a powerful realization wash over me. It's been an impressive 125 days on this journey, and I'm eager to take it even more profound. It's not just about retaining our seed but mastering every aspect of our being.

Guardians of Our Gaze

In the bustling streets, there's a multitude of captivating sights, people, and experiences. Yet, we must be vigilant to ensure that we don't let anything disrupt our semen retention journey.

The disruptors, my friends, can take many forms. It might be the allure of a seductively dressed woman, the wafting scent of a smoker, or the clinking glasses of an alcoholic. These lures could drag us into the abyss if we're not careful.

Think of it this way: just as you'd never feast from the gutters when you can savor a gourmet meal, you must loathe setting your eyes on anything toxic. Your senses need a filter—a protector—for what you see, hear, eat, and even think.

The Power of Sensory Control

Mastering your senses gives you an extraordinary advantage in your semen retention journey. It accelerates the process of sublimation, where you channel the energy from semen into other constructive, life-enhancing purposes. Every bit of energy you save is a step closer to greatness.

Always remember: where your attention goes, your energy flows.

March Onward, Warriors!

Let's keep moving forward, my fellow warriors. We are today's champions, carving a path of self-mastery and empowerment. With each day that passes, we become stronger, wiser, and more in control of our destinies.

Stay vigilant, be mindful, and keep that precious seed intact. Together, we'll rise above, embracing the true power within us.

Onward, brothers!



I'm just a guy who loves to help other guys overcome their addictions and live a better life

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